Slowing the running and taking time to enjoying the wildlife.

Burgess Park-3078On Sunday I’ll be running 21km (or 13.1 miles – still have decided which is easier) on behalf of CoolTan Arts please sponsor me here. Therefore, this week has been about the tapering.  I have done two training sessions – a short run and a yoga.  But any training regime worth its salt will see you taper in the days leading up to your race.  And I have, as much out of necessity as desire. I had wanted to fit in one or two more training sessions before today, but those that I have done took it all out of me as my coldBurgess Park-3080 hasn’t shown any signs of going away.  Nor getting any worse.  It’s b!##dy annoying.  I just wish it would go.

And spring is in the air.  Sunshine all day, and whilst I couldn’t make the most of it and train in it, I went for a walk around my local park, Burgess Park, where I do a lot of my training.  As well as soaking up thBurgess Park-3085e vitamin D, I kept seeing different birds – blackbirds, crows, blue tits and these that I managed to snap: a robin and a woodpecker (greater spotted I think – please let me know if I am wrong).

But what I didn’t manage to snap was the green flash that flickered past. I think the London parakeets maybe moving into the park.