Race day tomorrow – what to wear, what to wear?

What to wear for a half marathon in February on the coast is relatively easy to decide. Layers, lots of layers. And this time around something long on my legs. Didn’t see the right choice when huddled together in a pack, settled from the wind, and basking in the sun waiting for the off. But when the pack thinned and I headed into that biting wind – oh yeah, boy was I glad.

Now a May run in London? Although I have broken into the shorts but it’s been a cold few weeks. However, weather is looking good – very good for tomorrow. High-pressure coming up from the south. Lots of yellows on the weather map. So running longs or shorts? How many layers? Running jacket or not? If not how to keep warm on the journey to the start?

Shorts a must, dri-wick for the run – maybe an old t-shirt and that old runner’s favourite – a black bin bag. And most importantly a spare bottle of water. Will need to ensure I remain hydrated, before, during and after.

2015 #42 – Giving it 110%

20150424_053417Woke up to perfect weather for running: sunny, but not too hot; breezy, but not too windy. And dry. Ideal for my last #LongRun before #RunHackney.

I had planned a 20km route Burgess Park to Battersea Park (and back again) along the Thames. After sorting out a few technology issues off I trotted. Boy did I trot. And them some. And with a few gallops added to the mix to get my average pace up.

But I didn’t stop there!

20150424 Laps

My little legs found it in themselves to do those 20-km.

Then another 1km to acclimatise to the half marathon distance.

And then just for fun 2 more.

Excluding a photo stop20150424 Thames and a few red men telling me to wait to cross some roads, nearly all of the 23-km were non-stop too. I think it’s fair to say I gave this run 110% – especially as my analysis shows I’m approving.  That is scarily starting to sound like marathon training.

But not just yet. I’m going to enjoy and celebrate the progress I have made, focus on 10th May and Hackney and take it from there one trainer at a time.

20150424 Analysis

2015 #28 – Selfie Sticks Are Annoying

I think my legs are going to go on strike this afternoon and stage a sit-down. Well, the rest of me is pleased to have notched up 18km 6-weeks ahead of the Hackney Half MarathonContinue reading 2015 #28 – Selfie Sticks Are Annoying