2015 #17 – Camberwell Beauty

20150213 ButterflyA little run to ease me into the weekend. And I tried to be arty, using the using the colourful streets of Camberwell to draw a picture. Based it on the butterfly named after the area, the Camberwell Beauty, a mosaic of which I run past on a regular basis,20150213 Camberwell Beauty-9692 including today.Ok.  It is a tad unsymmetrical and wonky, and if it could fly would probably fly around in circles and it’s only got one antenna – so, let’s just call it a work in progress, a bit like me.

Pleased with training today, all in all, a good run.  My cold is no worse than yesterday and feels like it might even be in abeyance. Nice pace – at the start.  But still need to build up my stamina.  Weather not as nice as Monday’s but the sun was trying to pop out.
I have also reached my target for sponsorship, but don’t let that put you off.  All money raised is going to support the good work of CoolTan Arts, and who knows, your click on this link and your donation might help me run a bit faster.  Thanks.